PSYA02H3 Lecture Notes - Y Chromosome, Primitive Reflexes, Prenatal Development
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Developmental psychology => the study of continuity and change across the life span. Prenatal stage of development ends w/ birth. When sperm manages to find the correct fallopian tube and get close enough to an egg to release digestive enzymes that erode the egg"s protective outer layer. As soon as one of the sperm manages to penetrate the coating, the egg quickly releases a chemical that seals the coating and keeps all the remaining sperm from entering. The one successful sperm sheds its tail and fertilizes the egg and in 12 hours the nuclei of the sperm and the egg merge. Zygote => a fertilized egg that contains chromosomes from both a sperm and an egg. A zygote has one thing in common w/ the person it will ultimately become: gender. Each human sperm cell and each human egg cell contain 23 chromosomes that contain genes. One of the chromosomes (23rd one) come in two variations : x & y.