PSYA02H3 Lecture Notes - Apgar Score, Mcdonaldland, Motor Cortex

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15 Apr 2013
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PSYA02H3 Full Course Notes
PSYA02H3 Full Course Notes
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Language can be broken down into elements at several levels. Sentences - the players talked to the fans . Phrases the players + talked to the fans. Words the + players + talked + to + the + fans. Morphemes the + play + er + s + talk + ed + to + the + fan + s. Phonemes da + pley + ar +z + tak + t +tuw + da + f + a + n + z. Smallest significant units of sound in a language. Column of air from our lungs(containing sound waves) + pressure + energy. Bilabial plosives: both lips involved in (p + b) + (explosion) producing the phonem + explosion involved when pressure is held with lips + explosion produces sound. How they differ: at the point where your vocal chords produce voicing for p starts earlier than b.

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