PSYA02H3 Lecture 2: Personality Part 1

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Define personality and idiographic and nomothetic approaches. Criticism of a poorly designed personality inventory. Summarize components of minnesota multiphasic personality inventory (mmpa) and its validity scales. Relatively stable across time and situations (not always) <<< general rule of thumb. Our personality usually carries through to different situation. Responsible child most likely grows up to be responsible. Common trends in the population (nomothetic approach) Observe the behaviour (problematic approach because people act differently when watched) Subjective descriptions of one"s own behaviours, thoughts, and feelings. Children are better suited for interview (can"t fill a survey) A lot of questions (meant to fatigue) Reliability: getting the same results if you answer the same. Validity: the test does what it says it does. Mmpi forces you to take a side (only true/false questions) forces people into a box. Test taker may not know everything about herself (blind spots in our personality) Set of questions that attempt to mitigate bias:

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