PSYA02H3 Lecture : Lecture 4
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Washoe"s performance is not an act of language because it is a complicated process to teach him the symbols and their meanings. While human can learn language at an early age effortlessly. Measures the active area in brain when a human is engaged in speaking. Advantage that x-ray does not have is it can produce image of soft tissue whereas x-ray can only produce image of bone. In this case, the rhyming (similarity in sound) task. Male has active localization in the left hemisphere. Female has some active localization in both left and right hemisphere. Fmri measures the depletion of oxygen in the blood. Brain sends a signal to the cardiovascular system to send oxygenated blood to brain region that involves in activity during the task. When people are outputting rhyme, more oxygenated blood is sent in a particular region when it is not engaged in activity.