PSYA02H3 Lecture : Lecture Notes with Powerpoint References
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PSYA02H3 Full Course Notes
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Jean piaget focused the ages from birth to 16. Babies make circular motions; they do not know if objects are out of sight, they think the objects don"t exist (object permanence) Children are able to use symbolic thoughts such as numbers. Children are able to use the imagination to play (i. e. dressing up, symbolic) Children see the world in an egocentric way during this period (i. e. cannot put oneself in another"s perspective) A limitation to what a child can do during this period is the inability to conserve. A child thinks a tall container contains more liquid than the shorter container, although they"ve seen that the liquid were of the same volume before being poured in the containers (irreversibility) Irreversibility refers to the thought process of reversing an action (squishing playdoh and thought of reversing it back to original shape) From ages 7 to 11, this period is called the concrete operations period.