PSYA02H3 Lecture : Lecture Notes with Powerpoint References

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PSYA02H3 Full Course Notes
PSYA02H3 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Motivation is the energy that makes people do something, also giving direction. 1: determines what we pursue, determines how intensity and persistently we pursue it. Humans have basic biological needs that are essential for survival: food, water, air, sleep, warmth. When deprived of a need (food, water, air, warmth etc), there is motivation for people to get it, people are motivated (driven) to meet the needs. There is a regulatory system (cyclical, loop system) to achieve a steady state regarding the need (i. e. homeostatic system) Detecting deviation (nutrient detectors in the human body signal depletion) There is a corrective mechanism (hunger and drive to eat) There is more than homeostasis in the motivation to eating then just reaching the set point . Hedonism (greed to seek pleasure such as good taste) Diabetes occurring more frequently in people (even children) Even though people know better, people are compelled to eat food because food is attractive, good taste.