PSYA02H3 Lecture 20: Lecture 20

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PSYA02H3 Full Course Notes
PSYA02H3 Full Course Notes
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Examples of atrocities include nazi"s killing in wwii and u. s. soldiers" massacre in vietnam. Officers and soldiers felt that they were ordered to perform what the authority said. The experiment involves two participants, one of them being the teacher and the other being the learner. Subject will always end up being the teacher. Experimenter told the subject the purpose of the experiment is to investigate the role of punishment in learning. Subject administers electric shock to the learner when he answers question wrongly. Voltage of electric shock increases gradually from mild to danger. Learner is placed in another room and the subject can only hear him. Learner will display displeasure and suffering during administration of electric shock. To see if subject will continue the electric shock after the learner asks him to stop while the experimenter asks him to continue the experiment.

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