PSYA02H3 Lecture : Social Psychology. Lecture 1&2 [feb 28&mar2]
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can be used in car sales (social influence techniques: car sales (shady practices), sometimes the second largest purchase for someone (first is house, techniques that gets us to behave under the influence of others: consumer reports: april issue is all about car and car buying, they were the first to mention low ball technique, with a paid fee, they give you invoice price what the dealer paid for it. conformity: confederates: people who are part of a study who know the real situation, experiments done by solomon ash. 3 lines of different length and one standard www. notesolution. com. the group must identify which of the 3 lines match the standard in terms of length. the others (confederates) give their response prior to the experiment as the wrong answer. the participant starts to doubt himself and succumbs to the others.