PSYA02H3 Lecture : Lecture
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Lecture 24-march 14,2011 prejudice- negative attitude toward a distinguishable group stereotypes-study done in 1933, catts and brainey study where people had to write adjectives that correlated with a certain race. Ex. stereotypes of cars, people who drive buicks are old, people who drive plymouths are old. Inaccuracies that reflect superiority of one group over another. Ex. of one stereotype is that immigrants that come to canada are ignorant and not educated like canadians. Learning theory or explanation of prejudiceif you grow up in prejudice society you learn to be prejudice. Ex. mom and child are out buying groceries and sees a german. mom says stay away from the german, that filthy thing, and child learns to be prejudice to that kind. Competition for scarce resourceswhen people compete with each other for scarce resources, they tend not to like each other. Ex. we"re canadian they"re taking our jobs away from us.