PSYA02H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Heredity, Tums, Prenatal Development

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Psya02h3 lecture 4: development: the early years. Human infants are born in the world unable to do anything on their own, and would not survive without their caregiver. Other animals vary on their ability to survive on their own right after birth. The scientific study of biological, cognitive, social and personality development throughout the life span. A major issue is the idea of nature versus nurture: nature (heredity), nurture (environmental learning) Cross sectional study looking at a number of groups all at the same time. Groups will be of different ages, and compared with each other. Cons: cohort effects; the difference between age groups may not be age related, it may be caused of social differences from growing up in a certain time. Longitudinal study looking at the same group of people over a long period of time. Benefits: the changes you find really are due to development because you are actually watching them the whole time.