PSYA02H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Attachment In Adults, Attachment Theory

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Evolutionary adaptation where if infant feels stress, then mother feels stress designates a safe, proper and acceptable distance. More dangerous and threatening the environment = closer proximity to mom: working: children building expectations internal representation of whether or not you will receive care or support if requested. Ainsworth"s strange situation: separation anxiety separation from mother = upset child, stranger anxiety presence of stranger = upset child. Parent leaves infant with stranger first separation. Parent returns, stranger leaves quietly first reunion. Parent leaves infant alone in the room second separation. Parent returns, stranger leaves quietly second reunion: test provides similar reactions and level of intensity but children responded strikingly different to each situation. Child can explore in two ways: active (him/herself leading mother) and passive (mother leading child: secure children display more exploratory behaviour (active) become more socially competent and popular in schools. Continuity to adulthood: adult attachment interview, approx.