PSYA02H3 Lecture : Social Psychology-Prejudice (Lectures 6&7)

PSYA02H3 Full Course Notes
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Discrimination: harmful negative behaviour towards members of a group. stereotypes: beliefs about members of a group: stereotypes change over time, accuracy: assume that stereotypes are inaccurate. some characteristics about stereotypes relate to known research in terms of groups of people and show some accuracy. there are many misconceptions about minoritiessuperiority of some groups over another. causes of prejudice: learning from prejudiced models (ex: in society, competition for scarce resources (occurs in tough economic times, unemploymentblame it on immigrants, competition breeds hostility, using vulnerable groups as scapegoats. when in a state of frustration, you want to aggress. ex: boss is bossyemployee is frustrated, but cannot retaliate against the boss, so look for a scapegoat (weaker alternative: personality (authoritarian personality; social dominance) personality type that is shown in those who prejudice others (ex: based on psycho-dynamic, freudian concepts children raised by authoritarian parents www. notesolution. com.