PSYA02H3 Lecture : lectures 1-18
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The building blocks of language: it can be broken down into several levels. Phonemes are the smallest significant units of sound in a language. Producing area pressure that sends air out of the mouth, the column of air contains sound waves. pah and bah are bilabial plosives (uses lip and has an explosion) and s and z are alveolar fricatives (uses the tongue and there is a friction sound). There are 40 phonemes in english, yet only 26 letters to capture these. The normal rate of speech is about 180 words per minute which is equivalent to 14 phonemes per second: morphemes are the smallest units of sound that denote meaning in a. as an example, the word talked has two morphemes: talk and the suffix - A lexical item is a root word in the vocabulary. most english-speaking high school students have a vocabulary of over 60,000.