PSYA02H3 Lecture : Lecture 27 Notes

PSYA02H3 Full Course Notes
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classifying mental disorders american psychiatric associations diagnostic and. Statistical manual iv (dsm-iv) most commonly used classification scheme: contains 5 axes that are described in the textbook, axes one mental disorder, axes two personality disorders. simpler classification: neurosis: excessive irrational emotionality without loss of contact with reality. Anxiety, phobia, obsession, depression: psychosis: severe disturbance of thought and emotion with loss of contact with reality schizophrenia) anxiety: emotion that is experience in anticipation of danger; diffuse emotional reaction: agoraphobia ( with panic attacks , generalized anxierty disorder (gad, hypochondrias [ worry worry worry , obsessive compulsive disorder (ocd) agoraphobia: fear of being alone in public places; accompanied with panic attacks: involves a period of intense fear and discomfort where some of the following symptoms develop abruptly. Palpitations, pounding heart, sweating, shaking: panic attacks are terrifying, and people stay away from public spaces from fear of having them.