PSYA02H3 Lecture 19: Lecture 19 Notes

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20 Apr 2011
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PSYA02H3 Full Course Notes
PSYA02H3 Full Course Notes
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Lecture 19 - chapter 15 [ social psychology ] Subtle like things that are in our head, should i watch tv or study, image of dad comes you must study". If all were standing in an elevator facing the wall, the other one to come in would do so also; this is social influence. Social influence: changes in our behaviour that occur as a result of direct or indirect intervention of others. Used in very clever ways; sales people often have to rely on creative techniques [ not being very honest ] Con artists persuade people to give them money using techniques which involve a tale", modeling, reinforcement, and trust. Low ball technique: salesperson quotes an unusually low price [ you agree to buy it at that price ] Comes up with a reason to change the price, this removing the reason you decided to buy. Shopping for a new car; how much for the particular car.

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