PSYA02H3 Lecture : Lecture 21 Notes

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PSYA02H3 Full Course Notes
PSYA02H3 Full Course Notes
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Bystander apathy: bystanders are apathetic; don"t do anything when they are witnessing some emergency. Or they act in a heroic way; A woman stabbed to death with so many people watching; no one wanted to get involved. Set up a scene where someone is stealing a woman"s purse; no one did anything. A person faking a heart attack in the middle of the road; not many people stopped. When one person does then there are others. 1] noticing a person, even or situation that potentially may require help people noticed. 2] interpreting the event as one that requires help. You know that there are others, responsibility becomes diffused ; i don"t need to do anything, im sure someone else did it". What"s going on what"s going on; nothing;; norm emerges the right thing to do is nothing" ;; people make excuses.