PSYA02H3 Lecture 6: Chapter 15 Lecture 6- lecture and class notes

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PSYA02H3 Full Course Notes
PSYA02H3 Full Course Notes
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Lecture 24: prejudice, there is a conflict/ competition b/w groups, some definitions, prejudice: a negative attitude towards a distinguishable group. not behavior: discrimination: a harmful negative behavior toward members of a group. laws tend to target discrimination: stereotype: beliefs about members of a group. tend to be shared beliefs or individual stereotypes. yes/ no: yes: research comparing stereotypes with known statistics about groups has shown stereotypes to be relatively accurate. cant dismiss that ideas of a group exist: no: there are many misconceptions about minorities. Immigrants are thought to be less educated than native canadians, but this is false. Can data shows that they are better educated and in better health. but also can be inaccurate that might reflect: sense of seniority. If u grow up in prejudice society, you learn those prejudice values: what your parents teach you, associate negative feelings to certain groups, get rewarded for negative feelings.