PSYB01H3 Lecture : Detailed Chapter 7 Notes.
Document Summary
Defining the research objectives research objective must be determined from the start, and only ask questions that are related to the pic. always strongly agree on the right side with at least a 5 point scale, could be 5,7,9. vary strength of wording to produce variation in response: rank-ordering questions: ask respondents to order/rank items, facts and demographics: factual questions ask people to indicate things they know about themselves and their situation. How many children are you planning to have?) Question wording: simplicity: questions asked in a survey should be relatively simple, double-barreled questions: avoid asking two things at once. questions shouldn"t include emotionally charged words such as rape, waste, immoral, www. notesolution. com. negative wording: avoid phrasing questions with negatives: social desirability, threatening questions: people generally have a desire to present a positive image. did you steal as a child? vs most people haven stolen something when they were children.