PSYB01H3 Lecture Notes - Pin Pad, Sharecropping, Syphilis
Document Summary
1: question what you usually take for granted things are seem to be pretty ordinary, mundane especially with human social behaviour. Things that you see in your everyday environment; things other people do, the things you wonder about. For example, how do dogs establish who the alpha dog is not always the biggest dog how are the roles re-negotiated/ how do animals act when they want to establish themselves at the top of the pack. Stories in newspapers, magazines, websites: a lot of phenomena that happen in the world are a lot of things that there is no research on. Blogs: a lot of blogs where people just write about their lives good source of ideas. Robert the doll is cursed anyone who has come into contact with robert or owned it, something bad happened to them. Anything that makes you wonder can be turned into an interesting research idea: common sayings.