PSYB10H3 Lecture Notes - Social Dominance Orientation, Norm (Social), Impression Formation

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12 Dec 2012

Document Summary

Social hierarchy = an implicit or explicit rank order of individuals or groups with respect to a valued social dimension: formal hierarchy = explicitly-set social roles that vary by rank order, with higher-ranking roles holding greater value. People move between roles, but the hierarchy exists apart from the individuals who fill a given role at a given time. Signs of a formal hierarchy: job titles, reporting structures, and organizational charts. Typically an assumption of legitimacy to the hierarchy exists: informal hierarchy = rank-ordering of individuals or groups that develops organically on at least one valued social dimension. Social power = an asymmetric control over values resources in social relations: based in resources, which belong to an actor/social object. Social status = the extent to which an individual or group is respected or admired by others. Exists entirely in the eyes of other and it conferred by them.

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