PSYB10H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Deontological Ethics, Combined Oral Contraceptive Pill, Trolley Problem
Document Summary
Morality: emotion based form of reasoning. A brief physiological and psychological response to an event that is felt subjectively and prepares a person for action. Classes of emotions: 6 basic emotions, complex emotions. Most studied examples: positive emotions, self-conscious emotions. Most studied examples: gratitude, contentment, amusement, desire, love (contested) Most studied examples: pride, shame, guilt, embarrassment. An emotion is a universal, functional reaction to an external stimulus event, temporarily integrating physiological, cognitive, phenomenological, and behavioral channels to facilitate a fitness enhancing, environment shaping response to a current situation. Emotions are short lived: an emotion is a universal, functional reaction to a external stimulus event. Emotions are short lived: real emotions. Between 500 ms 4 s: fake emotions. An emotion can appear to persist if the emotional stimulus is presented repeatedly. Not all emotions have the same duration: surprise is the briefest, happiness / disgust / sadness are standard length, anger and fear last a little longer.