PSYB10H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 8: Social Stratification, Bw Group, Norm (Social)

81 views7 pages
20 Mar 2013

Document Summary

What is culture: an ever-changing, constructive stimulus which shapes the way individuals perceive and contribute to the world. Ever-changing: dynamic; your culture is not the same as your parents" culture culture changes all the time. Constructive: influenced by members of the culture; protests, artists people can change culture. Shapes: influences members of the culture; how culture changes people: nationality: the country you were born in, ethnicity: your cultural heritage. Identification: shared identity of group members; how much you associate your heritage with yourself (your self-concept); some people are very strongly associated with their heritage, others are non-identified: meaning system. Symbols, language, experiences all shared among the members of the same culture. Metaphysics: beliefs about the world, universe, & existence why we are here. Individualist cultures: emphasize personal achievement, even at the expense of others: greater emphasis on competition (ex: canada, western europe) Political climate: political structure greatly constrains behaviour and cultural expression, sometimes government change can extinguish culture.

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