PSYB10H3 Lecture Notes - Cognitive Dissonance, Attitude Change, Persuasion
Document Summary
Attitudes & persuasion: attitudes lebron chokes, definition, abcs. Cognitive: what you think abt something: affectively based attitudes, behaviourally based attitudes, cognitively based attitudes, what goes into an attitude, valence, strength. Intensity of attitude, e. g dislike lebron alot: attitude types, explicit attitudes lebron chokes, implicit attitudes. Attitude in form of a statement that you are fully aware, e. g. Attitude stored as association in semantic network, obj of attitude associated w/ good/bad, may be unaware of it. E. g chris bosh is actually a decent player: attitudes and behaviour. Cycle of your belief abt something-your behavior in relation to that thing: theory of planned behavior, cognitive dissonance. E. g ppl praise me for worship, they must believe i"m good then. Dissonance: unpleasant tension feeling, experienced when you have contradictory attitudes, or behave inconsistently w/ your attitudes. To relieve tension, change attitude since you can"t change behavior. It must be bc i like them after all. Or reappraise situation so behavior doesn"t reflect your attitude.