PSYB10H3 Lecture Notes - Acculturation

140 views9 pages
26 Nov 2010

Document Summary

W why should we care: culture is really a ,7089:,9439,9. ,3,110. 9450450-0,;0. W ethnicity: the country you were born in, the primary way in which people tend to study culture. W: your cultural heritage, not necessarily where you are born, this usually applies to family lineage. Identification: shared identity of group members, a person can identify with the country they are born in, the country their families are from, or with a totally independent culture www. notesolution. com. W meaning system: gives us symbols, language, experiences (all which make us who we are, and provides us with the situation in which we behave, metaphysics. S beliefs about the world, universe, & existence. Culture gives us all different perspectives on the world. Universalist approach to cultural psychology that assumes basic psychological processes are fundamental to all humans. W think between-culture variation is comparable to within-culture variation: the difference between people within a culture, and between two cultures means the same thing.

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