PSYB10H3 Lecture 20: Lecture 20

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13 Dec 2010

Document Summary

affect prejudice the emotional attitude we have towards someone else. behaviour discrimination act in a certain way against you in terms of what group you belong to. Can be a positive as well as a negative form. cognition stereotyping and outcomes of stereotyping and a perceptual bias called outgroup homogeneity. typical traits you"re going to associate with certain group members. be against outgroup members and acceptations of them. stereotypes across time: based on what country you were in europe, they had a long list of names and customs and nature. He said spanish are arrogant, german are open-hearted: we"ve always stereotyped. Katz & braly (1933) phase 1 of princeton t rilogy . collected racial stereotypes from 100 college students. there is a high degree of consensus among the 100 students. something more general about american culture beliefs.