PSYB10H3 Lecture : Lecture 21 - Aggression
Document Summary
two types of pain that we think about when people who study aggression think about. physical aggression: aggression that causes physical pain, you"re actually hurt in some way and need to go to the doctor maybe. verbal or relational aggression: you"re not cut but you"re psychologically hurt, psychological emotional hurt really does help in a physical sense, the reason why people call it relational aggression broadly defined . you"re upset so you want to inflict pain on somebody else. the goal itself is to inflict pain. outcome goal is not to hurt them. save somebody but in the process they get their arm scratched. we don"t think of it being that bad but it depends on the context and what the ultimate goal is. think about a time when you hurt somebody else. Because that"s the thing we care a lot about more than what they did.