PSYB10H3 Lecture 18: Lecture 18

105 views8 pages
16 Dec 2010

Document Summary

People are ranked according to what matters to the group doing the ranking. Power hierarchy: one type of social hierarchy, rank-ordering of individuals with respect to the amount of resources each controls, more common in formal hierarchies but can work at a national level. Managers, assistants, employees, contractors: very clearly defined roles and ranks, signs of a formal hierarchy: www. notesolution. com. organizational charts: sources of value in higher-ranked positions: control over resources (power) & deference from subordinates (status: typically an assumption of legitimacy to the hierarchy exists (though not always with informal hierarchy) Informal hierarchies: rank-ordering of individuals or groups that develops organically on at least one valued social dimension: no clearly-delineated social roles (such as high school everyone was a student where some kids were more popular than others. The hierarchy almost forms naturally: sources of value in higher-ranked positions: