PSYB10H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 8: Symbolic Racism, Ambivalent Sexism, Susan Fiske
Document Summary
Stereotypes: beliefs that certain attributes are characteristic of members of particular groups. Stereotyping involves thinking about a person not as an individual, but as a member of a group, and projecting what (you think) you know about the group onto your expectations about the individual. Prejudice: negative attitude or affective response toward a certain group and it"s individual members. Prejudice involved prejudging others because they belong to a specific category. Discrimination: unfair treatment of members of a particular group based on their membership in that group. In general stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination can often go together. Modern racism: prejudice directed at other racial groups that exists alongside rejection of explicitly racist beliefs. Gaertner and dovidio explored modern racism and their findings suggest that, many people hold strong egalitarian values, leading them to reject prejudice and discrimination. Yet, they also harbor unacknowledged negative attitudes and feelings toward minority groups that root from in-group favoritism and desire to defend status quo.