PSYB10H3 Lecture Notes - Pole And Polar, Episodic Memory, Hart Side
Document Summary
Attitudes and persuasion: attitudes overview, cognitive dissonance, liking. Balance theory: attitude change: persuasion and persuasion tactics. A like or dislike toward someone or something. A belief that you have that is more associated with goodness or badness. Attitude object: the target of the attitude; the thing about which you hold an attitude, can be a thing, person, place or even an idea. Comes together and contribute to your attitude about something. What goes into an attitude: valence. Positivity or negativity; how good or bad you think something is: strength. Ex. when someone says they don"t like the iphone for no particular reason (say they just don"t like it in general)= negatively valenced, but not strong. 2 attitudes can have the same level of valence, but may not be at the same level of strength. A like or dislike toward an object that is stored in the form of a statement and of which you are fully aware.