PSYB20H3 Lecture Notes - Decision-Making, Natural Kind, Cooperative Learning
Document Summary
Chapter 6 cognitive development: piagetian, core knowledge, and vygotskian. Cognition refers to the inner processes and products of the mind that lead to knowledge . It includes all mental activity attending, remembering, symbolizing, categorizing, etc. Chart the typical course of development, examine individual differences, and uncover the mechanisms of cognitive development. Children move from simpler to more complex cognitive skills, becoming more effective thinkers with age. Human infants, out of their perceptual and motor activities, build and refine psychological structures organized ways of making sense of experience that permit them to adapt more effectively to the environment. Children develop these structures actively using current structures to select and interpret experiences. Piaget viewed children as discovering or constructing, virtually all knowledge about their world through their own activity, his theory is described as a constructivist approach to cognitive development. Four stages sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational.