PSYB30H3 Lecture Notes - Learned Helplessness, Amygdala, Psychometrics

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13 May 2013

Document Summary

Fun, friendly, gets along with others global quality. Often contrasted with attractiveness: they re not attractive so you need to find something good to say about them. If they ve got a lot of personality , they re more likely to seem like they re more active and interesting. People try to categorize others they always try to separate it into types of people via personality. More complex than a global quality more nuanced than just categories better validated empirically than trying to guess through the pig test . An organized and relatively enduring set of psychological traits and mechanisms that influences a person s interactions with, and adaptations to, the environment. Organized: traits and mechanisms are not just a random collection, they work in relation to each other. They re organized so they can work in one uit. Relatively enduring: over time, a person will exhibit the same traits.

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