PSYB30H3 Lecture Notes - Behaviorism, Falsifiability, Standardized Test
Document Summary
General, internal, and comparative dispositions accounting for the consistencies we perceive or expect in behavior across situations and time: person-situation controversy, heredity-environment controversy [environmental. [general] influence: continuity vs. change of traits over time [stability] Will be covered in weeks 1, 2, 3: level ii: fill in the details. Adaptations to the motivational, cognitive, and developmental challenges that people confront across the life span: goals & strivings [, the self & social cognition [, stages of life-span development [] Will be covered in weeks 4, 5, 6: level iii: integrating a life. Internalized and evolving narratives of the self that integrate past, present, and future to provide life with a sense of unity and purpose. Imagery, theme, character [: standards of good life-story form [, psychotherapy as revision of the life story [] Will be covered in weeks 7, 8, 9. Scientific theories: constructs, theories, & testable hypotheses, explicitly defined constructs.