PSYB30H3 Lecture : Personality Lecture 2

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1 Feb 2011

Document Summary

Lecture 2: primary process: when we can"t physically gratify our actual needs, we fantasize. this leads to a fixation at that stage: if someone does not have their emotional needs met. Freud thought some body parts provide survival needs. Negative feelings find their way out, if not directly, then indirectly www. notesolution. com. Anal fixation: at toilet training, kid learns to let go of body fluids or hold on, anal retentive: if parents don"t potty train properly. Exact good job is accountant: anal expulsive: parent"s said whatever let them do anything. As an adult they are sloppy. (7 years old still wearing diapers but mom doesn"t care. 23 still lives at home and is a slob). Will have great expectations grades, or athletic parents. the subtle reactions drive into children to be perfect to get their parents love will be self critical, or perfectionist: perfectionism is a predictor of depression.

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