PSYB30H3 Lecture : Personality Lecture 3

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1 Feb 2011

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If you know how certain group of people typically respond a certain way and a person responds that way it say that they might have something to do it. If the projective test is invalid for this then complain about. More about the psychologist then the patient: so exner tried to standardize it, exner interprets that if you see a reflection vs two things . Narcissistic: narcissists don"t have insight, focus on you needs and not others. Carl jung: he had a lonely childhood and experienced fainting spells during childhood, did he have childhood psychosis, red book 1914 when he split with freud at the age of 38,he had mid-life crises. carl jung would give you a hundreds of words and see how you: the collective unconscious respond that"s how he picks up complexes, consists of potential ways of being that all humans share, archetypes.

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