PSYB30H3 Lecture Notes - Erich Fromm
Document Summary
History: experienced childhood illness and several injuries; developed fear of death, average student but rose to superior position especially in mathematics, studied medicine at the university of vienna, was president of the international psychoanalytic association, but disagreed with. Adler"s basic concepts: when he talked about control coined superiority complexity and inferiority. Creative self interprets experiences of the organism and establishes a person"s style of life. Unlike freud (who believed our personality is set) Individuals create their own personalities: adler worked with conscious. Conciousness central to personality we can understand our motives through self-examinationthis view opposite of freud"s emphasis on unconscious: adler looked at neurosis differently most expectations are too high will never achieve them. Adlerian psychotherapy: neurosesunrealistic life goals (fictional finalisms, goals, establish contact and win confidence of patient, disclose errors in patient"s lifestyle and provide insight into present condition.