PSYB30H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Professional Wrestling Attacks
Document Summary
Ch 8: experimental analysis of behaviour: john dollard and neal miller, b. f. skinner: step back and ask what is compelling about behaviourism. John b. watson: watson was one of the biggest names in behaviourism, forced out of academia because he was cheating on his wife, no ethics boards at his time what kind of man would do what he did (baby. Albert: why was there so much mix up about baby albert, watson kept changing this story, textbooks love behaviourism (textbooks hated freud) had an agenda. so many theories on learning originated from exaggerations of what happened to baby albert. wanted to show that albert was conditioned to one thing and. Generalized to other things www. notesolution. com: baby albert didn"t generalize to other things he was conditioned to fear other things, albert wasn"t terrified of the rat after several trials (wasn"t phobic of rats)