PSYB30H3 Lecture : notes

51 views7 pages
28 Mar 2011

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Freud"s developmental theory: freud and the psychosexual stages. Libido: the energy that drives the psychological machine. It is energy like any energy cannot be created, or destroyed. It can only be redirected and shunted from one purpose to another, from one mechanism to another. He was fashioning a view of the human mind as being mechanical and being driven by energy (libido). Freud believed that the human mind was a psychic system which operated on the basis of energy (libido). It reflects the influence of the physical sciences. He saw the libido as being the energy that emerges from human instincts. This reflects the influence of darwin on his thinking. Much of the energy that drives human behavior is instinctual in origin. He originally thought that there a two types of instincts: instincts relevant to survival and instincts relevant to sex and survival.

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