PSYB30H3 Lecture : notes2
Document Summary
Week 3 gender, society, and culture: evolutionary approaches to personality adopt a nativist approach. It emphasizes all of the things we bring into the world. It emphasizes all of the architecture that is preestablished b4 we are born into the world. These approaches adapt an empiricist viewpoint emphasizes all that we do not bring into the world. We come into this world as blank slates tabula rasa learning experiences imprint knowledge, structure and process on top of that otherwise blank state: there are tension b/w evolutionary approaches and behavioral approach. There is a growing disenchantment with the psychoanalyst reliance on all of these unobservable processes, unconscious mechanisms none of which can be reliably discerned or experimentally investigated. There is disapproval with the psychoanalyst constant reference with these hidden unconscious processes. The processes are very limited in their ability to generate predictions about future behaviors. The things in the world that have these reflexive consequences ucs unconditioned stimulus. www. notesolution. com.