PSYB32H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Classical Conditioning, Natural Experiment, Observer-Expectancy Effect

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Sdadfadsadf child development: themes, theories and methods. Child development field of study exploring gradual evolution of child"s cognitive, social and other capacities , through description of changes in child"s observed behaviour then uncovering processes/strategies underlying the change. Maturation genetically determined growth process unfolding naturally over certain time period. Structural organismic perspective theoretical approach describing psychological structure/s/processes undergoing qualitative/stage-like changes over development time. Psychodynamic theory - freud"s theory that development (in discrete stages) is determined b biologically based drives shaped by environment encounters and through interaction of 3 personality components: id, ego, superego. Ego rational, controlling component of personality: reality principle. Superego repository of child"s internalization of parental or societal values/morals/roles. Phallic sexual urge increase & gender difference curiosity. Latency repressed sexual urges/ education/ concern for others. Genital altruistic love + selfish love/ adult responsibilities. Psychosocial theory erikson"s theory of development, children develop through series of stages through accomplishing tasks while interaction with social environment.

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