PSYB51H3 Lecture Notes - Vitreous Body, Aqueous Humour, Scotopic Vision

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22 Nov 2012

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Method of cross modality matching: having stimuli like sound and light being presented at the same time. Perceive magnitude of a sound and match it with another modality. One of the retina"s job is filtering to tell whether something is there or not. Is both a wave and a tiny particle. Use metaphor of wave when light is trapping energy. Use light as a particle when thinking of it as a photon, when it is hitting a surface and being absorbed; resulting in sensory transduction. It is the small range of electromagnetic waves. Absorbed: energy that is taken up and not transmitted at all. Eg, dust, surfaces, filters (to some extent, they absorb light) Diffracted: happens whenever waves pass through an aperture or encounter some sort of an obstacle; bending of light or having waves that are spread out: eg. When you take a photo or when looking at the sun and there is a rainbow.

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