PSYB57H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Auditory Cortex, Visual Cortex, Cocktail Party

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13 Dec 2016

Document Summary

They work against each other, one more than the other: we cant be aware of everything all the time, limited and competitive resource. Perceptual analysis: processing the sounds or visual aspects of the features (whether or not the sound is relevant to language, etc. ) Semantic encoding/analysis: allows you to re(cid:272)og(cid:374)ize (cid:449)hat thi(cid:374)gs are (cid:894)(cid:449)hat thi(cid:374)gs are, (cid:449)ho"s voice it is) If attention acts late (semantic analysis) and did(cid:374)"t start li(cid:373)iti(cid:374)g thi(cid:374)gs, then your brain would be overloaded with a lot of information. If attention acts early, you may miss out of important information (paying attention to some things and cut out the rest) Dichotic listening task: having to listen to different things in different ears, we can listen to one thing in one ear but miss out on things in the other ear (bottleneck of processing) Early-selection: argues that attention happens before you even know what something is, filter theory.

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