PSYB64H3 Lecture Notes - Posterior Cerebral Artery, Anterior Cerebral Artery, Middle Cerebral Artery

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Lecture 2: the anatomy and evolution of the nervous system. Evolution of the brain and nervous system. Anatomical directions (planes of reference to a specific point) Rostral or anterior = head end of four legged animal. Caudal or posterior = tail end of four legged animal. Superior or dorsal = towards the back. There is a 90 degree turn at the top of the spine where the brain comes in. 90 degree twist where the brain is; different from when we look at a rodent, which we would look straight across the spinal cord and the brain would be lined up. Using the 90 degree twist at the brain for humans: ventral/inferior = base of the brain, dorsal/superior = top of the brain, rostral/anterior = towards the eyes, caudal/posterior = towards the back. Distal = far away (e. g. fingers are distal to the spinal cord) Meninges: three distinct layers of meninges provide protection of the brain.

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