PSYB65H3 Lecture Notes - Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor, Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate, Medial Forebrain Bundle

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Transmitter symptoms - how they affect human behaviour. Drug - any chemical you can use and ingest. Drugs not produced socially - lsd, marijuana, Drugs not produced for their psychoactive effect - airplane glue. The concept that if a drug is taken repeatedly, most drugs do show a decreasing behavioural effect. (the more you take it, the less effect it has) If you have drugs which alter a transmitter system - the more you alter a system, the post synaptic side of the system will compensate. The more you stimulate a system it will compensate by reducing the number or sensitivity of receptors. Or if you"re using a depressant, the system will compensate by increasing number or sensitivity of receptors. If you have been taking the drug for a long period of time and suddenly stopped. Results in a craving for the drug.

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