PSYB65H3 Lecture Notes - Recapitulation Theory, Visual Cortex, Brainstem

51 views3 pages
8 Apr 2013

Document Summary

If it"s in the book, you need to know it except dates and names (except huge names like. If it"s in the text (not photos) know it. Questions taken right from text, ver batum, takes 5 sentences, changes 1 of them. Office hrs: mon 1-3, other times by appointment. Nervous system divided into central (cns): brain and spinal chord and peripheral (pns): send/receive sensory information (?) Most of the time dealing w/ cns, mostly brain how is it organized (penis-like diagram) :simplistic diagram. Posterior: back, closest to spinal chord hindbrain: medulla, cerebellum = green in diagram tip: cerebellum cauliflower. Medulla: basic life processes ex: heart beat, respiration. Whether a person recovers from a coma, depends on what exactly is damaged and to what degree. There are a number of animals who can recover from brain damage. Seems as though humans gave up ability to repair our brains to have a large memory.

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