PSYB65H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Degenerative Disease, Flaccid Paralysis, Somatosensory System

71 views5 pages
10 Apr 2013

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Look at this from bird"s eye view tip: draw the diagram on the back of exam paper for midterm. Involved with seeing and recognizing things in your universe. Information from each retina leaves through an optic nerve (nerve as it leaves the retina) The 2 nerves cross (known as an optic chiasm) point where the nerves from the back of your eyes come together. If something is in your right visual field, it will hit the nasal portion of the right eye and temporal portion of the left eye and vice versa. Damage: tell the person to close one eye and look the other person right in the nose ask them if they see any fingers moving ask them what they can see. Have to look at one eye at a time close one eye: 2. Left eye is not infected (can see everything perfectly normal)

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