PSYB65H3 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Thalamus, Temporal Lobe, Subarachnoid Space

68 views3 pages
17 Apr 2013

Document Summary

Human brain starts off smooth, through develop it pushes back and crunches together and folds upon itself. Central sulcus/fissure separates the brain anterior from pariotal (front/back) Sylvian sulcus/fissure (lateral) seperates out the temporal lobe. Right receives info from left hand side of body and controls it. Left receives info from right and controls it. Cerebal cortex has 4 lobes: each has major primary function. Within in each lobe two types of tissue (primary cortex, associational cortex) Primary cortex performs basic input/output functions (gets info from environment and processes it/acts) Each lobe has a primary area where basic input comes in. Associational cortex- higher order functions, more recently evolved, thought processing part of brain. Frontal - begins in anterior goes back up to central sulcus, involved in motor(muscle) movement, planning and inhibition of inappropriate behaviours (delayed gratification)precentral gyrus right infront of central sulcus , primary motor strip motor.

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