PSYB65H3 Lecture 2: PSYB65-Lecture 2 Notes
Document Summary
N as move forward in brain, more complex functions: starting from brain stem to cortex, our brain has evolved to add on more and more complex processes, still have the primitive parts of the brain i. e. territoriality. S still have the emotions but may be more complex i. e. go to a restaurant to buy food, boundaries, passports etc. N cerebral cortex: vast majority of the brain, not smooth. S the brains of other animals have smooth cortex. S the brain as it expanded, it moves back over the brain and covers almost everything except cerebellum and begins to make grooves as it crinkles on itself. N makes boundaries in the brain i. e. this is where vision end and motor begin. S 2 sides of the brain are not connected in any obvious way from the top. N connected by a fiber pathway= corpus callosum: fibers connect analogous portions to each other i. e. central to central, posterior to posterior.