PSYB65H3 Lecture 4: PSYB65-Lecture 4 Notes

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S positive charge across the membrane caused by sodium: info goes along the axon until goes to the dendrite of the next cell. N parkinsons: too little adopamine: most effective way to treat is to increase the level of synthesis (by taking dopa) N steps in a synaptic transmission in a generalized synapse: life cycle of synapse: 1. S has to be packaged in order to be utilized because if not, chemicals will break it down: 3. S when there is an action potential (most of the time: 4. S places where we can go and play around to find cure for brain disease. S stimulates post-synaptic receptor so that channels will open up: 5. N can either decrease/increase the functional activity of a system: can take each step in the life cycle of synapse to either decrease/increase activity of a system. Give chemicals that used to make the synthesis: 2.