PSYB65H3 Lecture 8: Lecture 8 Notes

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16 Dec 2010

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Psychopharmacology of drug action, depressants, opiates & hallucinogens. went from jan 1920 to dec 1933 (then repealed) during this time all the stats decreased dramatically for a very short term. People were obtaining it illegal (if you want something you will get it) as well they had the old problems plus additional problems when something is made legally the government watches over it to protect us; when not being made legally it is being made illegally without regulations. the alcohol bought today is called ethel alcohol www. notesolution. com. during prohibition it was methyl alcohol which causes blindness. this still goes on today (now a days with other drugs such as marijuana) most deaths occur because of mixing the drugs or putting something else in it. lots of these deaths occur because the drugs are not clean: very hard to legislate morality use education to combat.

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