PSYB65H3 Lecture 10: Lecture 10
Document Summary
The posterior section deals with primary motor strip, getting info out. More anterior deals with higher order function (association cortex) such as appropriate behaviours. Deals with prefrontal area ( anterior portion of frontal lobe) Developed through gall phrenology, he said that anterior frontal lobe deals with intellectual functioning. However if there was a delay between seeing and action they could not) Had a irate monkey that was use for test , then after test was manageable and different. Dr. munioz noticed this and began seeing if this could be done on humans with mental disorders( severe) Results (based on 20 ppl) : 7 showed recovery, 7 showed improvement. Freeman and watz brought in to na until revealed it caused massive scar tissue and. 18% of patients developed siezures during 10 yr span, now drugs are used as substiute. Problems in changing in appropriate behaviour in context ( wcst cards alternating; recall the monkeys and the blue and red cup)